Tips On How to Make Customers Feel Good
Everyone wants to feel appreciated, including your customers. Here are a few tips to show customers that you have their back.
Everyone wants to feel appreciated, including your customers. Here are a few tips to show customers that you have their back.
Remember Your Customer’s Name:
Everyone within your company who regularly interacts with customers must remember their names whether it is in person or over the phone.
Remember Your Customer’s Preferences:
If your customer has a special way they order or if they consistently order the same items, remember what they like and how they like it.
Invite Them to Enjoy Special Customer Events:
Perhaps you can give them a special offer on items they regularly purchase or access to an after-hours sale available to a chosen few.
Take a Personal Interest:
This one doesn’t mean prying into their private life or being nosy. It means showing a genuine interest in what is going on in their lives. Sending a card on birthdays or holidays is an extra effort many customers will appreciate.
Support Their Business:
If you have a customer who is also a business owner, refer some customers their way when you can. Chances are, they’ll share some leads with you, too.
Solve Their Problems:
Understand your customer’s needs, and go out of your way to solve them. Respect your customer by acknowledging the problem, apologizing for it, fix it immediately, and take steps to make sure it does not happen again.
Keep Your Promises:
Deliver on the promises you make to your customers.
Remember the “Magic Words”:
“Please” and “thank you” still work. It is a small gesture, but it goes a long way. Bonus Tip: Include your customer’s name when you thank them. Believe us, it will make them smile.
Ask For Their Feedback:
Your customers are ready to give you their feedback, suggestions, and ideas. All you need to do it ask. For example, are you thinking of adding a new product? Give a sample to your best customers. Ask them to try it out and give you their feedback. They may just save you from sinking money into inventory that won’t sell.
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